It only seems appropriate that since today is my 4 year wedding anniversary, that I relate my 10 on Tuesday to that. So here it goes, 100 reasons why I love my husband and what I love about him!! I definitely cheated on this one and started WAY early.
1. He is my bestfriend
2. He is the one I dreamed of every night of my life and the one I think about each day.
3. Every time he looks at me my heart skips a beat.
4. He's got my back. Always. This is hugely important to me. I know that Josh is 100% behind me, always. He is always there for me, and always takes my side. My true partner, in every sense of the word.
5. I never have to ask him "do you love me" he makes me know it everyday
6. He can ALWAYS make me laugh
7. He has the ability to overcome adversity and rise above it
8. He is HOT! Being caught up in the daily grind of work/kids/sleep etc, this is something I don't tell him enough, but the man is freakin hot!
9. He has never once raised his voice at me.
10. The love, adoration, and tenderness in his eyes when caring for our children melts my heart.
11. He lays in bed and whisper sings in my ear as I fall asleep.
12. He stands beside me and not in front of me.
13. He makes sure I have everything I need.
14. He isn't embarrassed to buy me "girlie" things at the store.
15. He takes complete care of me when I am sick.
16. I love that he isn't perfect.
17. Random "I love you" text messages that always seem to come at the perfect time.
18. Because he looks at me when he thinks I'm not looking.
19. The respect and love he shows my parents and extended family
20. We go to bed at the same time 99% of the time
21. It's a given when we get to bed he turns on Sports Center to catch up on the days highlights.
22. We are remarkably similar in many respects, yet we are different enough to make life interesting.
23. When he grabs my hand while walking
24. His dedication to providing for our family.
25. He never complains...EVER!
26. His muscles....and shoulders...Oh My!
27. He doesn't laugh at my random ideas and strange thoughts.
28. I love that he is sportsminded and loves adventures.
29. We can talk without speaking.
30. He loves me without make-up
31. He has a very forgiving heart
32. He never gives up on me
33. He has a sense of honor and tries to do what is 'right'
34. The way he winks at me in a crowded room
35. He carries himself with a great deal of pride
36. He's not afraid of housework
37. That perfect smile
38. How he isn't afraid to speak his mind.
39. He will give me anything I ask for.
40. The way he says my name
41. How he runs the bases is extremely attractive
42. In every card he gives me he writes "the card says it all" :)
43. He looks so sexy in a suit
44. He never hesitates to dance at a social event...even when all the other guys refuse to dance, he never leaves me hangin.
45. We truly have a partnership...50/50
46. His family comes before anything
47. He is a good driver
48. The way he refuses to argue, even when I'm trying really hard.
49. Every night on his way home from work he calls to see if I need anything.
50. He tells me I'm beautiful
51. The way he is with children is unbelievable. Not just with our own, but with the ones he coaches, nieces, basically any child he encounters loves him.
52. He will jump on the trampoline because the kids beg him non-stop because they know he can't say no to them. Even when he knows it will give him a sore back for days.
53. I love how he demands respect but in no means is controlling.
54. He will eat ANYTHING I cook and tell me it is wonderful.
55. He has empathy for people with special needs.
56. The ability to say so much with out saying anything at all.
57. He is so go with the flow. Which is a good thing because I am a little psychotic. We compliment each other well.
58. Did I mention he is Sexy?
59. He hates to shop, yet will go with me and never complain.
60. Our bodies fit together when we dance
61. He understands me
62. He still has dreams and goals and is working towards them.
63. He has a kindness for animals that I love and admire
64. He will dress in coordinating outfits as a family for special holidays like Easter and Mother's Day.
65. His sentimental side
66. The way he compliments me
67. I trust him completely. I know he always has my best interests at heart.
68. He has shown me my true self.
69. He holds the key to my heart.
70. He worries what my dad thinks about him
71. He takes out the trash without me even asking
72. It was never a hesitation to get up with either of our babies in the middle of the night.
73. He supports me in everything I, work, etc.
74. He will watch movies I want to watch.
75. His focus on us remaining a "couple" and not just a "couple of parents"
76. There is not a selfish bone in his body.
77. He loves and respects his mom.
78. He knows a lot of information about the weirdest things.
79. He loves to play video games
80. His heart is bigger than anyone I know
81. Every time I pick something out of the Pottery Barn catalogue he tells me he can build it. He has yet to build ANYTHING in our 8 years together.
82. He's the bravest man I know
83. He can be as honery as our four year old.
84. If I'm on the computer at night, he'll remind me that he "needs to harvest" before we go to bed. He is addicted to Farming on Facebook. Dork!
85. He doesn't complain about cuddling.
86. He loves God
87. He won't end a telephone conversation without saying "I love you"
88. He tries really hard to understand my job.
89. His love for me is unconditional and he doesn't hold my crazy family against me :)
90. He's not afraid to put me in my place.
91. He is the best secret keeper I've ever met!
92. I love that he accepts the fact that I'm a book worm.
93. He tells me that my scent is his own personal heroin. The fact that he can quote Edward Cullen is true love!
94. He supports my bow obsession with Leila. I didn't say he likes it, but he supports it.
95. He will pick me up the most recent gossip magazine without me even asking.
96. He is SUPER hot! Did I say that already?
97. Until he came along, no man even came close to reaching the pedestal my dad is on. He works his way up there every day.
98. He thinks my fake nose ring is sexy!
99. He supports my online shopping.
100. Last but not least, he is the father of my children. This is something that is so big, it blows my mind. It makes me feel humbled that he is my partner in the very thing that is central to my whole world, my kids.
I love him for who he is. Not what he can do. Just for who you are, Josh. Happy Anniversary!!