Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ten on Wednesday!

1. For the first time in my children’s lives, they had to go to the doctor together for sick visits. It was really strange. Leila has been telling me her ear “huwrts” and Malakai got sent home from school with a headache and fever on Monday. Turns out that neither had anything too dramatic. Malakai a viral infection and Leila a very small ear infection. She said a lot of the pain could be coming from her 2 year molars that are coming in. Lets just say I am truly blessed that teething has NEVER effected her sleep. Half the time, I don’t even know she is teething!

2. I am very excited for J and I’s staycation in June. I will NOT let myself feel the least bit guilty for taking some vacation time from work the week my children are in KC. Okay, maybe a little but J and I need that quality time! We will be attending Cardinal games, testing local hotels, and spending time at the winery’s.

3. I never used to refer to Josh as “J” when typing his name. However, after so many years of Colleen doing it, it has rubbed off on me! Now I never type out “Josh” and I even find myself calling him J in person. I wonder if he thinks its weird?

4. Leila is a TOTALLY different child than Malakai. She is very cuddly, but she is ORNERY! Almost to the point where it is scary! I can’t quite explain it, she just has this orneriness about her. She is not bad, that’s not what I’m saying. When I say “Leila Jane” when she is doing something she shouldn’t be, she looks at me and says “Whaaaat Moooom?” with those big eyes and crooked smile! I just can’t figure out where she got this from. From talking to J’s mom, he was the “perfect” child. All his issues began in highschool…ha ha! I know I was not honery as a child, so we came to the conclusion that she got it from her Aunt Heather! We love you Heather! If she turns out to be the woman you have become, we will be extremely HAPPY!

5. To quote Colleen (she’s getting a lot of shout outs this week) “ I CAN’T BELIEVE I HAVE A KINDERGARTNER!!!!!!”

6. I haven’t picked up my camera in a couple weeks. Honestly, I need to charge the battery and the battery charger isn’t in the normal place and everytime I think about it, I don’t have time to look for it at that point.

7. I did make some really cute last minute teacher appreciation gifts that I need to post a pic of. Note to self: Do this this week!

8. I’m an email hoarder! I don’t delete ANY emails! Right now I have three email accounts that I use. Work email I have 945 which is pretty good!!! I try to clean those out once a month. I still don’t delete them, just move them to other folders. Yahoo I have 19,162 and my hotmail account has 11,988. Do I have a problem?

9. Leila has graduated from the elastic headband/bows that wrap all the way around the head to just bows in her ponytails or now, big girl headbands!! Why are these so hard to find? Even on Etsy, it seems the majority for sale are the skinny elastic circles that go under the hair all the way around the head. Does that make sense? Does anyone have any experience with these? Do they stay on? I did buy a couple of these which are REALLY cute. Just didn’t know if anyone else had some suggestions.

10. Check out these HIDEOUS shoes we got Malakai STRICTLY for summer camp. They aren’t here yet, so he doesn’t know about them, but he is going to be SOOOO excited. He is obsessed with these shoes! I think they are awful, but sometimes seeing that smile is worth it. Plus, J gets sketchers at cost, so I’m not out a whole lot of money!




Colleen said...

Do you have Macy's there??????? If not, I know what L is getting for her birthday! BIG GIRL headbands, they have the BEST selection!

Both Pat and I call Jackson, "J" to his face!

Heather said...

Awwwww a MINI Heather!!I can't wait to teach Leila a few of my tricks ;)

Malaki's dream shoes are hilarious!! I think "J" needs to sport a matching pair!!!

Love and miss you all!! (((((HUGS))))))