Awhile ago Colleen and I had a discussion about being a Surrogate Mother. I don't even remember if this was a private conversation, or a discussion on a blog or some other social networking site. The one thing I do remember, is that Colleen and I, like in many other aspects of our lives, disagreed with one another. Part of the many beauties of our friendship.
She would do it in questions asked...even for a total stranger. I on the other hand, said that I could never see myself doing it. In fact, who even knows if I could carry another baby, but the thought of putting my body through that experience and not being able to reap the benefits did not sound appealing to me at all. As I look back on this conversation, I! That sounds really selfish. On many different moral issues, I feel I have a strong opinion on how I would handle the situation, or how I would act. But honestly, does anyone really, truly know how they would handle things until they are put in that very specific position?
Take the subject of abortion. As a 29 year old woman, I can 100% say I would never have an abortion and I think it is a horrible act that is taken way to lightly in this world. Please, this is not meant to spark a pro choice/pro life debate. All I'm saying is, Yes, I can easily say that now. But guess what? I never got pregnant in high school. I was never impregnated by a family member or a rapist. I was never put in the situation to have to make that decision. Are you understanding my point?
When Josh and I got pregnant with Malakai – I was 23. This pregnancy was unplanned, yet we fell in love with him from the moment we found out. I felt so incredibly blessed to have been able to conceive and carry such a wonderful little baby, without complications. I really took my fertility for granted and as I go through life I come across so many people not as lucky.
I could do it. I could do it for those that I love. For those that want nothing more than to experience the amazing gift of being a parent. I can't say that I could do it for a stranger, but if someone that special in my life, truly wanted the unbelievable feeling and love that only a parent can posses, I could do it. I would do it.
Would you? Could you? Do you think it would take being put in that specific situation before you could truly decide?