Saturday, October 18, 2008

Time for a change!

In case you haven't heard...I got a new job!! I am so excited!! I told Josh that I FINALLY had an interview with someone who appreciated and respected by background, education, experience, and being a mother. I am going to be the new Office Coordinator at a Family Medicine practice. Pay is good, benefits are good, hours are awesome, and the best part...I get to wear scrubs to work! It's not teaching, but hey, with the chump change they are paying teachers these days, it wouldn't even cover my daycare! Pretty sad if you ask me!

Another change in our house...I colored my hair! I have NEVER been dark before, so it has been quite the change. Josh said he almost has this weird feeling that he is cheating on me! LOL!



Best thing since I last blogged: Getting a Job!! Duh!!

Worse thing since I last blogged: Stressing out over our family of four flying!



Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Family is a Haven in Heartless World

I have many, many friends who are not fortunate enough to live in the same town, city, or even state as their family. This is probably the single, hardest thing I have to deal with on a daily basis. Especially since I have started a family.

However, I am SO thankful that the majority of Josh and I's family are only a four hour car ride away. I know that sounds like a nightmare for some, especially for two kids, but you get used to it and it could be worse.

I have had a rough few weeks here in the Lou. So, when my dad called and said he was going to be doing business here, and staying at our house, I was VERY excited! Then I got to thinking and I didn't really have a whole lot going on so I decided the kids and I were going to ride back with him to KC and spend a long weekend there. So, that's what we did. We were there from Wednesday - Sunday of last week.

I feel so rejuvenated! I took full advantage of my family and soaked it all up! I spent quality time with my little sister, Malakai and Leila got quality time with Poppy, Tutu, Ma Ma, and Pa Pa, and I even got TWO nights out kid free! My dad and Lisa took me out to the Power and Light District on Friday night and we had an amazing time! Wonderful dinner and Yummy Cocktails! Saturday night I went out with some family to celebrate my beautiful cousin Mallory's 22nd b-day. Again, a good time had by all!

We went shopping, to Deanna Rose, and to the Pumpkin Patch. Malakai and Kiera carved pumpkins with Poppy, jumped on huge trampolines, and for the most part, got along amazingly! Needless to say, I was EXHAUSTED by the time I got home! I know what your thinking, how can I feel exhausted AND rejuvenated all from the same trip? That's what family does to you. Just being around people who offer unlimited amounts of love and affection is priceless!

Hope you enjoy the pics :)

Best thing since I last blogged: Obviously family and also positive job interviews!

Worse thing since I last blogged: Not having Josh be able to share in the great weekend